\ Guidelines
The Villages Miata MX-5 Club

Trip Leader/Participant  Guidelines

Guidelines for Participants

These Guidelines were created to capture information useful to Club Members to make Club Trips safe and fun. They may be particularly useful to newer Members or as a reminder to all. The Guidelines will be continuously improved and your feedback and suggestions are encouraged to make them clearer, simpler and more useful.

General Comments

Safety is the prime concern. Obey all traffic laws (e.g., speed limits, driving under the influence, distracted driving.) Drive defensively.

Punctuality. Show up on time. Follow the trip route. Maintain the planned trip time schedule.

Contact the Trip Leader(s) if problems come up at the last minute and you can’t make the trip.

Prior to Trip

Ensure that you have a full tank of gas and air in the tires. Always a good idea to bring a cell phone/GPS and current map.

Consider getting a Florida Sunpass for your car. Trip planning emphasis is always on scenic roads, back roads. However once in a while a toll road might be thrown in (Sunpass can help with caravaning.) And plans can always change.

Day of Trip

Check in with Trip Leader when you arrive at departure meeting point.

Directions. You will typically receive written directions which may include the name, street address and phone number of venues and restaurants. In addition, this paper typically includes the names and cell phone numbers of group leaders and group sweepers (see Caravaning below.)

Participants Meeting. The Trip Leader will typically ask folks to gather to review last minute important info. Please participate and listen carefully.

Turn on your lights (for safety) once we start out on the trip.


We try and drive as a caravan whenever possible because it’s fun and there’s safety in numbers. A leader (first car) and a sweeper (last car) will be assigned. Larger numbers of participants may be organized into multiple groups (e.g., 10 cars each) with each group having its own leader and sweeper. They will typically be communicating via radio to ensure group is intact.

All participants should follow the car in front of them as closely as possible without tailgating. A rule of thumb is two second’s travel time (distance of 3 to 5 car lengths) between you and the car in front. If you are not this close, gradually increase your speed until you close up the gap. Racing to catch up with cars in front of you does not help cars behind you.

All participants should also be monitoring via their rear mirror or their navigator how close the following car is to them. If the following car is dropping back, the leading car should gradually slow down until the following car catches up.

Turns are typically where we can lose people. Whenever making a turn use your turn signal and please make sure the car behind you can see your car. Participants should monitor their rearview mirror to make sure the car following actually makes the turn. In case the car following misses the turn (goes straight instead of turning for example) the participant should slow down and promptly call the leader via cell phone to let him/her know the car missed the turn. The leader will communicate with sweeper via radio and they will decide appropriate course of action.

Right turn on red: Depending on the specific situation, the leader may choose to wait until a green light to keep the group together.

Two lanes merging into one: The leader may choose to radio the sweeper that this will be occurring. The sweeper may choose to pull into the continuing lane early, to signal upcoming situation.

The leader and sweeper will work together to reconnect the group after turns, stop lights and stop signs. The leader may decide to safely pull over to the side of the road to allow the group to reform; but not on a major highway.
If problems or unplanned/unexpected events occur, contact the sweeper via your cell phone. The sweeper may subsequently contact the leader to address situation.

If a car gets into trouble, nobody in the caravan stops except for the sweeper. The sweeper will ensure that everything is all right and contact the leader.

If necessary, the leader will guide the rest of group to a suitable stopping place.

At the Restaurant

Any major problems with restaurant food/service, please consider letting the trip leader know. They have probably been communicating with restaurant Management and might be able to help get issue addressed.

If trip schedule requires leaving the restaurant as a group, please expedite calculating the tip/paying the bill to keep trip on schedule.

Return Home

We typically do not caravan back to The Villages and participants are free to do as they wish.

Last but Certainly Not Least

Thank your volunteer trip leader(s) and caravan group leaders/sweepers for their time and effort in making the trip possible and a success.

Seriously consider volunteering to lead a future Club trip. It’s both challenging and fun. We need a steady stream of volunteers to keep the good times rolling. Contact Jim Krysiak or George Nagle for additional information, encouragement and help in planning /leading trips.
